Weekend Reads: September 11, 2020

Welcome to Lowercase Weekend Reads. Grab a warm drink, a comfortable seat and get ready for our weekend reads highlighting the most important articles of the week.

The China Syndrome Part I: Outbreak

I consider myself ignorant when it comes to China’s exact role in the outbreak of the Coronavirus. It’s similar to my understanding of why I have light in my room, I know where the switch is but do I really know the mechanism by which light gets to my room? I do not. After reading this four part series I can say I have a better understanding. Link to part one here, you can get the other three links at the bottom of the article. 

The Event Industry Is Being Confronted By Its Napster Moment

Very good read on what is at stake for the live entertainment industry. I still remember when Napster came out and the impact it had. It’s interesting to see what will happen to this industry and especially what we as a society will be comfortable with going forward. 

How Cities Come Back From Disaster

Great story about things we now take for granted but really only came after great catastrophes. Derek Thomson is a legit writer. I learned a lot with this article. Did not know skyscrapers came out of the Chicago fire. 

A Data Deep Dive Into Whether Rotten Tomatoes Has Ever Truly Mattered

I am guilty of being influenced by these reviews. If I see a bad review I will go into the movie thinking it is shit. It was eye opening to see this deep dive into the stats of movie reviews and how they have evolved over time. 

Antitrust Politics

We have to have a weekly dose of hate for Amazon, Facebook and Google. I think this article does a great job of exploring antitrust politics and what the tech companies are doing. 

What we are reading: 

The Honor Code by Kwame Anthony Appiah. 

Next in line:

Capital in the 21st Century by Thomas Piketty 

Lowercase Staff