Weekend Reads: March 19, 2021

Welcome to Lowercase Weekend Reads. Our weekend reads highlight the most important articles of the week.

Why is the deathbed perspective considered so valuable?

I do not agree with stoics 100% of the time but one thing they practice that I like is gratitude. That includes reflecting on your dead daily and appreciating just being alive. This article really made me re-examine the typical regrets people have in their deathbeds. Listen, most of them make total sense. Spend more time with friends and family, work less, be happy, etc.  It is safe to assume that we all want those things but the thing we do not get told is that it is easier to enjoy life when we don’t have to worry about our next meal. 

Wikipedia Is Finally Asking Big Tech to Pay Up

If this happens, it would be great news for everybody. Wikipedia is a great tool and at some point if we expect it to be great and get better someone must pay for it. 

India Targets Climate Activists With the Help of Big Tech Naomi Klein — Feb. 27 Tech giants

Uggly! Thumbs down FB and Google. But what else is new...

A Cardinal Sin – Quillette

Leaving the culture wars and identity politics aside, reading stories like this really worries me. 

“The ultimate casualty is, of course, not me but free speech. Once, universities represented the spaces of greatest intellectual freedom, openness, and diversity. Now, they are among the places in the Western world where the inhabitants—students and professors alike—are most inhibited about what they say aloud, as is clear from research by Heterodox Academy and Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. This is the result of fear—or of complicity in the imposition of a new and profoundly illiberal orthodoxy.”

Reason Evolved Not to Help Us Make Better Decisions, But to Help Us Win Arguments

We love the office and I will support any article that uses the show to develop their ideas. The article is nice but it brought great memories of one of the best episodes in the series. 

He got Facebook hooked on AI. Now he can't fix its misinformation addiction

We have beaten this horse enough but this is a great story from someone on the inside. Nothing we don’t already know. 

Lowercase Staff