Weekend Reads: August 15, 2020

Welcome to Lowercase Weekend Reads. Grab a warm drink, a comfortable seat and get ready for our weekend reads highlighting the most important articles for the weekend.

It's time we revived Rousseau's radical spirit in schooling

This is a great article exploring the education system with references to the classic by Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Emile. It made me think about how obsolete I felt during my school days.

Would breaking up 'big tech' work? What would?

Big tech is under a lot of heat. If these behemoths do get broken, how would this look like? 

This issue affects everybody. If you are just thinking “oh I love amazon cause it gives me cheap shit” then you are looking at the tree and not the forest. These big corporations are like a skeevy drug dealer, they give you a free sample, hook you in and once the market is cornered...

How to Beat Populists When the Facts Don't Matter

Nothing infuriates me more than talking to someone who just dismisses facts and says they are fake or made up. What happens when we cannot agree on such an important baseline as to what a fact is? Disaster.

The Battle to Invent the Automatic Rice Cooker

Loved this article for two reasons. I am a lazy fuck who loves to say “Hey honey I cooked rice” but in reality I just dump it into the rice cooker and press a button. And I am absolutely fascinated by Japanese culture. The strive of perfection is something to admire.

A Natural History of Beauty

This is a fantastic essay. On the long side but well worth it. Deep exploration of beauty. Hey, we are an art magazine after all...

What we are reading: 

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism By Shoshana Zuboff 

Next in line: 

The Honor Code by Kwame Anthony Appiah.