Weekend Reads April 2nd 2021

Welcome to Lowercase Weekend Reads. Our weekend reads highlight the most important articles of the week.

The truth about lying

This busted a few myths for me. Yes, spotting liars is harder and more nuanced than previously thought. 

TikTok vs Douyin: A Security and Privacy Analysis

This site is an absolute gem. I have spent hours here in the last few days. Now I know why Snowden loves them. If you care about privacy and cybersecurity take a look. 

Is Climate Change a Foreign Policy Issue? — The New Atlantis

This was a sobering article and exactly the type of thinking we need to tackle the climate issue. Because Climate change is a foreign policy issue and will affect us all. 

This Is the Sign of a Great Thinker, According to Jeff Bezos and Adam Grant

I am a huge fan of anybody who can admit to have changed their mind. I believe this is a true superskill. Not many people, specially educated and successful, can put their ego aside and admit they do not know something or maybe that there is a different way to think about an issue. 

4K Time Lapse of a Boat Navigating Dutch Canals

Beautiful video. Mind-blowing. 

Hulu WeWork documentary: Why we fall for people like Adam Neumann

I am happy every time I see one of these Techno Jesus fail. Nuff said. 

Marcelo Taboada