Weekend Reads: August 7, 2020

Welcome to Lowercase Weekend Reads. Grab a warm drink (or a mimosa YOLO), a comfortable seat and get ready for our weekend reads highlighting the most important articles for the weekend.

Can America Benefit from Covid? Ask 14th-Century Florence

No crisis should go to waste. The Black Death ravaged Europe and it became a catalyst in the renaissance. 

Peter Thiel's Religion

“Human culture began with a murder. That culture was fueled by rage and rivalry, which led to violence. Managing that violence is the secret reason for all religious and political institutions.”

If you are not drawn in by that statement there is something wrong with you. This is a very long article but well worth the time. Dave Perell is a prolific writer. 

History and Cancel Culture – Areo

An interesting take on cancel culture. I am still on the fence about the subject to be honest. I think both sides have valid arguments. I think this is a symptom of a greater underlying issue. I will agree with Matt here that there is a void being filled with this condemnation culture. 

How to read more books

We are nerds and we are always trying to read more. 

Antitrust Politics 

As a society we are reaching a breaking point. Capitalism is reaching a breaking point. Tech companies are becoming way too big. Remember the Gilded age and the robber barons? Well, that gave us antitrust laws that prevent exactly this thing from happening...yet it is happening all over. Great article exploring what is going on with big tech these days and their hearings in congress. 

What we are reading: 

-The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff 

What’s next on our list: 

-The honor code by Kwame Anthony Appiah