Weekend Reads: September 3, 2020

Welcome to Lowercase Weekend Reads. Grab a warm drink, a comfortable seat and get ready for our weekend reads highlighting the most important articles of the week.

The octopus is one of the most bizarre life forms on Earth – one of the smartest, most interesting, and most alien, with eight more brains than you have

Absolutely loved this article. Octopi are extremely smart and intuitive. They also have a large brain and one small brain Per tentacle. WTF! 

Exclusive: Bloomberg group warns Trump will appear to win big on election night

This scares me a little bit. Especially the momentum it can carry. It is still a prediction model but one that could as well become reality. 

Apple’s move to make advertising harder on iOS 14 is part of a trend

I think I have been pretty annoying with this subject but this is a great article and a nice follow up to the VOX article we posted last week. Apple could become the player that turns things around for people who care about privacy. I am a fan of this move. 

The Whisky Lover's Quentin Tarantino Companion

We love whisky and we love tarantino. 

How to not fear your death

I am the guy who goes to bed thinking about the nothingness of our existence after we die. This helped. Yes, I apologize to leave the darkest article for last. 

What we are reading: 

The Honor Code by Kwame Anthony Appiah. 

Next in line:

Capital in the 21st Century by Thomas Piketty